John Piecuch of Hemet was sentenced to 15 years in federal prison after pleading guilty to soliciting and receiving a 13-year-old Maryland girl for nude photos. Piecuch had met the girl over Roblox, an online game platform, and had pretended to be 13 years old.
Piecuch had told the girl he also wanted to see her younger sister’s genitalia, and had encouraged her to perform sexual acts on her, according to his plea agreement.
The victim’s mother found the messages between Piecuch and her daughter, prompting her to contact law enforcement.
“Online games and platforms can allow child predators to hide behind fake identities and lure children into sharing private information,” said Acting U.S. Attorney Joseph McNally. “It is critical that we hold these predators accountable and convey a message of zero tolerance for those who prey on our youth. I also urge parents everywhere to monitor their children’s online activity to ensure their health and safety.”
Piecuch wrote a letter to the judge before being sentenced.
“First and foremost, I would like to say that I take full responsibility for my actions. I am a 64-year-old man, and there is no excuse for me not to know right from wrong. I had an obsession, an addiction, a sickness. I am ashamed of what I have done. No matter what happens, for the rest of my life, I will carry this shame and remorse to my grave. My life will never be the same again, but my life doesn’t matter anymore. The lives of the victims are what matters most,” Piecuch wrote.
His letter expressed regret at leaving his wife behind as he goes to prison.
“My wife is all I have left now. I was looking forward to spending our golden years together, all I can think about now, though, is if I will be able to be with her again before I die,” he wrote.
Assistant United States Attorney James Dochterman prosecuted.
Diane Bass of Irvine represented Piecuch.
California Central District Judge John Holcomb oversaw the case.