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Law in the
Inland Empire

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A publication about the legal industry in the Inland Empire.

This news is for everyone.

We are following cases, legislation and courthouse happenings that affect all people and professions. If your area of work or activism has brought you here, please send an email to the editor letting her know, so she can ensure FOC covers it.

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Coverage of filings, motions, settlements and rulings in the Inland Empire show local lawyers; and judges; work, and record precedent.

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McCune Law Group, McCune Wright Arevalo Vercoski Kusel Weck Brandt, APC Logo

After over 30 years’ experience and more than $1 billion recovered for clients across the Inland Empire and beyond, McCune Law Group has grown into one of the largest consumer law firms in Southern California.

MLG attorneys specialize in: Personal Injury Product Liability Employment Law Environmental Law Financial Services Wrongful Death And more

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A commentary piece may be a position on a ruling, on new legislation, or on the state of or changes to local court operations.

Submitted copy will not be altered before publication.
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Publication will be at the editor’s discretion.

To contribute content, email it to Executive Editor Toni Momberger at

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Should courts be allowed to record proceedings and transcribe them later?
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CA Supreme Court to consider Constitutionality of electronic recording ban

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March 18, 2025

Don’t use the words “March Madness”

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