In fiscal year 2023, the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission reports online of its work on behalf of Black job applicants and employees included the following:
- The EEOC resolved 19 lawsuits, including several systemic and class cases, alleging race and/or national origin discrimination for nearly $4.9 million in monetary relief benefiting 89 individuals.
- The EEOC alleged that the three employers subjected Black servers, hostesses, and bartenders working at a national franchise restaurant between 2017 and 2020 to racial harassment and failed to rehire them because of their race and in retaliation for their complaints of discrimination. The 3-year consent decree in this case provides for $650,000 in damages to 6 individuals, injunctions against discrimination and harassment based on race and retaliation, annual training, and reporting.
- The EEOC successfully conciliated a systemic investigation after finding evidence that a car manufacturing company paid a class of Black managers substantially less than their white peers and subjected them to retaliatory harassment as a result of their complaints of wage discrimination. The EEOC obtained $2.5 million for 19 aggrieved individuals, as well as extensive injunctive relief.