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A lawsuit alleging gender discrimination in the Riverside District Attorney’s Office was tentatively settled March 11.

Alysia Chandler, who worked as a law clerk at the district attorney’s office in 2014 and was sworn in as a deputy district attorney Dec. 5, 2016, alleged multiple instances of sexual harassment, mostly relating to preferential treatment by her supervisor against her, inadequate relief during her pregnancy, and a denial of promotion despite her having the necessary experience. 

The DA’s Office, and Chandler’s attorney, declined to comment. The details of the settlement are not public, and the settlement is not yet final.

Chandler left the office in 2021, and is now employed at San Bernardino Superior Court.

The individual defendants were removed from the case at the judicial decision of then-Riverside Superior Judge Sunshine Sykes on May 11, 2022.

Former Lead Deputy District Attorney Daniel DeLimon, former Chief Deputy District Attorney Kelli Catlett, Chief Deputy District Attorney Sam Kaloustian and then-Lead Deputy District Attorney Lisa DiMaria were listed as individual defendants.

Riverside District Attorney Mike Hestrin was not a defendant in the case. 


Chandler claimed that her unit became characterized with sexual favoritism, discrimination and hostility toward pregnant women and new mothers after DeLimon became the unit’s supervisor.

Chandler claimed that DeLimon formed a sexual relationship with one of his subordinates, and became close friends with two other subordinates.

DeLimon provided these subordinates with fewer cases than others, gave them more assistance than others, would go to lunch with them, play football in the work office with them and allow them to come in late and leave early, Chandler claimed.

In contrast, DeLimon would assign difficult cases to Chandler at the last minute, argue with her, and cause Chandler to have a panic attack, she claimed.

Chandler claimed DeLimon kept her on a probationary employment for longer than his favorites under false pretenses, disparaged her, overly supervised her during court appearances and did not provide accommodations during Chandler’s pregnancy.

Chandler said the stress DeLimon placed her under caused a miscarriage.

During her second pregnancy, Chandler was placed in charge of the calendar, causing her to lift a bucket that weighs more than 10 pounds in violation of a doctor’s note, she claimed. She also was required to pack up and move her workstation a week before her pregnancy leave, she claimed.

After pregnancy, Chandler was promoted to general felonies, requiring her to be in court frequently and for long periods of time, making it difficult for her to pump her breast milk, she claimed. She did not receive help or pumping breaks, causing her physical pain and two instances of mastitis, she claimed.

Dimaria disparaged Chandler for breastfeeding, and in general established a favoritism for those without children, Chandler claimed.

The litigants were working out the details of deposing Hestrin when the case was settled.

Case information

Daniel Moussatche of Riverside’s Wagner Zemming Christensen, LLP represents Chandler.

Karen Capasso of Riverside’s Smith Law Offices, LLP represent the county and the individual defendants.

Riverside Superior Judge Eric Keen presides.

Case No. CVRI2103362

Read the complaint here.

Read the county’s response here.

Read Sykes’ tentative ruling here.

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