AnalysisCaliforniaCourthouse HappeningsLegal Industry Judicial elections: Inland Empire disfavors judges compared to state
AppellateCasesCivilCriminalEducationEmployment Elementary-school sexual abuse-case dismissal reversed
AppellateCaliforniaCasesEmploymentLaw enforcement Court of Appeal: Riverside Sheriff Deputy misconduct investigation was within time limit
AppellateCannabisCasesCriminalReligion Big Bear church can’t distribute marijuana as a blessed sacrament, Court of Appeal rules
AppellateCasesCivilRetail & E-Commerce Riversider’s case alleging Target, Walmart deceive about chocolate alternative revived
AppellateAutomotive/TransportationCaliforniaCasesCriminal DUI charges can’t be diverted, court of appeal rules
AppellateCasesCivilHealth Pro se litigant sets precedent on appeal: A claim’s validity argued before suit, not after