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Attorney Kent Raygor was assigned to mediate a Victorville councilwoman’s civil complaint against San Bernardino County sheriff’s deputies March 9.

Sheriff’s deputies arrested Blanca Gomez during a Victorville City Council meeting July 20, and charged her July 20 on three counts of obstructing sheriff’s deputies, one count of disturbing the city council meeting and one count of assault for an earlier incident.

According to Gomez’s complaint, the deputies also deleted videos of the incident that she took on her cellphone, deleted the video from her Instagram account, and later took cell phones and other electronic devices from her house with a search warrant.

Gomez sued Aug. 4, claiming that the sheriff’s deputies violated her civil rights, and that they seized her electronic devices in punishment for her exercising her First Amendment rights.

The county denied her claims Sept. 2.

Raygor works out of Sheppard Mullin’s Century City office, and will mediate the case through the Court Mediation Panel.

In the misdemeanor case against Gomez, her March 21 preliminary hearing was continued to May 26.

Gomez is a councilwoman in her second term running for re-election in Victorville.

Bryan Pease of San Diego’s Pease Law, APC represents Gomez in her civil case.

Adam Miederhoff and Michelle Blakemore of County Counsel represent San Bernardino County and the county’s defendants.

California Central District Judge Jesus Bernal oversees her civil case.

Rajan Maline of Riverside’s Maline Law Group defends Gomez in her misdemeanor case.

Justin Crocker of the San Bernardino District Attorney’s Office leads the prosecution in the misdemeanor case.

San Bernardino Superior Judge David Driscoll presides.

Read our prior coverage here.

Stay with Follow Our Courts for an update on the case in May.

Civil Case No. 5:21−cv−01306

Misdemeanor Case No. MVI21007253

Read Gomez’s civil complaint here.

Read the county’s misdemeanor complaint here

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